Year: 2019

Cautionary Tales

We were all shocked about WeWork’s dramatic downfall and disgusted with CEO Adam Neumann’s bloated exit package. We’ve listened to the podcast and watched the documentary about Theranos and its shyster CEO Elizabeth Holmes. But let’s be honest, when both companies first launched we were enamored with their promise and seemingly endless possibilities. Reading fair…
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DVR this, watch that…

This weekend the Emmy Awards will tell us if our favorite TV show is a winner. Of course, it’s a long shot for Bachelor in Paradise or, on the flip side, The Curse of Oak Island, but we can dream. Anyway, they may not be steady win-the-race kind of stocks, but here’s a roundup of…
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Labor Day

Three-day weekends are perfect times to get organized and make changes to your personal and financial plans. Here are two ideas to get you started over the long weekend. Can you divert your daily Starbucks spend to a stock fund or even a savings account? From personal experience, that would give you $25ish dollars a…
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