Labor Day

Labor Day

Three-day weekends are perfect times to get organized and make changes to your personal and financial plans. Here are two ideas to get you started over the long weekend.

Can you divert your daily Starbucks spend to a stock fund or even a savings account? From personal experience, that would give you $25ish dollars a week or $100 a month to invest in “personal fave” stocks.

Start a friendly competition with your family members. Have everyone pick a stock (something fun and relevant to each of their lives — i.e. Apple, Target, McDonald’s) and with an imaginary $1,000 each, start tracking the performance to see who wins the king of Wall Street title. In six months, go out to a New York-style deli to celebrate the winners, losers pay for dinner! You can set up your family’s portfolio in StockHop to easily monitor each stock’s performance.

Oh, and don’t forget to enjoy your time off!