End of Days?

End of Days?

Yes, as you troll empty store aisles searching for a misplaced package of toilet paper or a hidden bottle of Purel, it can definitely seem like things are going the wrong way. But, let’s keep a sense of perspective and before you start hoarding your favorite toilet paper and boarding up your windows to keep out the “infected”, take a look at the facts on the World Health Organization website to help you snap out of it and put things in perspective.

And, yes, depending on where you live, you may have to sit around the house for awhile and wait this thing out, but let’s be honest, as long as your wi-fi is working, it might be a welcome break. Plenty of time to watch all six seasons of Schitt’$ Creek or binge The Wire (finally!), finish that 1,000-piece polar-bear-in-a-snowstorm puzzle, or take care of that nagging household repair that won’t fix itself.

Going the distance (took me awhile to get around to the photo payoff, didn’t it?) and staying the course in the current market will take a strong disposition, but hang in there, use your StockHop app to monitor your portfolio and review the latest news, and plan your selling and buying to optimize results in anticipation of the inevitable upturn. Of course, if anyone knows when that perfect time to execute is, send us a comment…