It’s Not Too Late to Sharpen Your Pencil and Make StockHop Better

We know you love the app, but there’s that one little thing that would just make it so much better. Kinda like when you meet that perfect girl, but then you find out she likes Hawaiian pizza more than pepperoni & mushroom. I mean, it’s not a deal-breaker, but… Anyway, we’re here to help (with the app, not the girlfriend!)
We’d like to hear from you about what new features you’d like to see in the app. Let us know by 9/30/21, and we’ll put our team of Oompa Loompas on it to pump out an update in 4Q that will have you feeling like you just found a golden ticket!
We’re happy that so many of you use StockHop every day and we want to make sure you continue to find it helpful. After all, there are a lot of stock tracking apps available, but none are as intuitive and fun to use as StockHop.
So, here are some of our new feature ideas, but feel free to send us your very own ideas as well!
- Allow stock trading from within StockHop
- Add a trade calculator
- Enable social features that let you
- Share portfolios, trade ideas, and trading history
- Text other users
- Add more chart types such as MACD, Relative Strength, etc.
- Allow fractional shares
- Allow tracking of mutual funds
Send us your feature ideas by 9/30/21. Or just send us a comment on anything else. We want to ensure StockHop continues to be your go-to stock tracking app so help us help you.