Tag: unique stock tracking app

Cairn Terrier with Smiley Face Ball

Oh, baby baby, it’s a wild world. And it’s hard to get by just upon a smile.

Yeah, the market is getting crazy again, so you better buckle up and make sure you have all the stock tracking tools you need to ride it out. Of course, a great stock tracking app is key, but just as important are a full cup of coffee or tea (we like these), Chex Mix or…
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Colored pencils arranged like a stock chart to promote new features

It’s Not Too Late to Sharpen Your Pencil and Make StockHop Better

We’re happy that so many of you use StockHop every day and we want to make sure you continue to find it helpful.

Black Swans and Unicorns, Oh My

Boring numbers, staid meeting, and old men wearing over-stuffed long-sleeved shirts with garish ties. Well, that was just not going to work for a new generation of business men and investors, so an updated more visual vocabulary was created. And, like many other things, in life, we looked backwards to move forward, thus ripped from…
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slice of fruticake

2021 is right around the corner…

The holidays are almost here and any free time you currently have will soon be eaten up by shopping (probably a lot more online than usual this year!), wrapping and shipping gifts, and family video call get-togethers. So, take time now to look at your portfolio and start rebalancing to ensure you start the new…
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